Saturday, 7 February 2015

Unky's colouring therapy #24 - Apple

So Episode 24 is colouring an apple.
I would say, colouring apple might apply to any complicated colouring.
eventho one apple colouring is pretty easy and simple.
This time I made a real time video for real. ^^
Hope you like it. 


*Colour List. 
Kure colour marker Pale Yellow 100
Copic Sketch Light Orange YR02
Copic Sketch Chinese Orange YR09
Copic Sketch Carmine R37 
Shinhan Touch brush marker BG 179
Prismacolor premier Colour pencil Black.
Sakura Gell pen white.

*Sleepy Piglet Dreaming Apple digi

*TheEastWind Facebook Community Group
-Where you can share your crafts and colouring using TheEastWind images.


* PSssss!

I prepared a little contest at the facebook community group to join this week!. It is as simple as colouring apple  and you can win 2 new images coming up next week! Find out more over at TheEastWind FB community group